Gypsum aids water penetration and increases nutrient and water holding capacity. It also reduces the harmful effects of soil salts and improves soil tilth.

Holloway Gypsum 55% Original
Holloway’s Original is a superior source of low salt Dihydrate calcium sulfate. In high soil salt situations, this source will reduce and help the nullification of these yield limiting soil salts. Will flocculate the soil and improve water penetration. Along with the quick tissue uptake of calcium to strengthen the cell wall structure.
Product details:
– Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (CaSO4 2H2O): 55%
– Calcium (Ca): 11.5%
– Sulfur (S): 10%
– Derived From: mined gypsum

Holloway Gypsum 55% New
Produced using our updated mill equipment for a finer particle size, Holloway Gypsum 55% New is an excellent gypsum choice with great value on a per unit of calcium sulfate along with the micronutrient benefits. This low-salt source of dihydrate gypsum will immediately go to work in your field once it comes in contact with water.
Product details:
– Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (CaSO4 2H2O): 55%
– Calcium (Ca): 11.5%
– Sulfur (S): 10%
– Derived From: mined gypsum

Holloway Gypsum 70%
An amazing source of 70% calcium sulfate dihydrate with tremendous “horsepower” to aid penetration, reduce soil salts, and improve nutrient and water holding capacities – along with all of the other benefits of Holloway’s mined gypsum.
Product details:
– Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (CaSO4 2H2O): 70%
– Calcium (Ca): 16%
– Sulfur (S): 13%
– Derived From: mined gypsum