Jeff Rogers, Environmental Superintendent & Logistics Manager

The old adage of “wearing many hats” can often be over exaggerated, but in the case of Holloway’s Environmental Superintendent and Logistics Manager, Jeff Rogers, it is an exact fit. Rogers has a reputation for being down for anything. He is willing to take on any challenge and figure out the best way to make things work smoothly.

When he started out at Holloway four years ago, Rogers was in sales with Holloway Ag.

“I had always known about Holloway growing up in Shafter,” Rogers said, “But Dan [Allen] is a family friend and he told me about the sales position that was available if I wanted it and that there was lots of room to move up if I was capable of it.”

And boy was he capable of it! When Logistics was a fledgling division of Holloway, Rogers was asked to come and work for COO, Dan Allen and help develop the new service line. This was particularly exciting for Rogers because he loved the idea of building something.

“I was able to get in on the ground floor of Logistics,” Rogers remembers. “Since then, I have taken over IT for all of Holloway, Purchasing, Safety, and I manage all the Environmental contracts for biosolids. I wear a lot of hats but it keeps things interesting!”

As a manager of 40 employees in Environmental and in Logistics, his job is to create good systems and remove barriers, something Rogers learns best through doing.

“When it comes to management you just have to do it,” Rogers says. “There’s not much you can do to prepare; you just have to do it, and I learn by doing. One of my biggest skill sets is that I am a good problem solver, which means I am not scared to make the big decisions.”

In addition to his managerial role, Rogers has his hands in much of the day-to-day including sales orders, running operations at the landfill, and ensuring efficiency of Holloway’s fleet of trucks. He is also on the Board of Directors for the California Trucking Association as the director of the Kern unit. The Association is responsible for raising money for the local trucking industry to put towards legislation that will benefit the industry.

One of Roger’s biggest responsibilities at Holloway is to successfully execute dozens of contracts at any one time.

“I am able to keep it all on track because I’m very organized and I have all the knowledge that has been passed down from Dan [Allen],” Rogers says. “When Dan saw I could do well with Logistics, he gave me more responsibility with Environmental and it has just grown from there.”

Rogers is excited for the current and future growth of Holloway.

“For me the growth has all been positive,” Rogers says. “Bringing Brian’s [Maxted] vision to life of Holloway being a full circle company is really exciting. The more we grow, the better, and I am excited to see the growth and the new things we have in store because we have big things planned!”

For someone who thrives on wearing many hats, Rogers’ favorite part of the job is that it’s different every day. He also excels in the family atmosphere of Holloway and that everyone is respectful and open to all ideas.

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