DID YOU KNOW there are a number of local, state and federal grants available to growers who adopt sustainable soil and recycling practices in California?

These grants can be cumbersome to navigate, but the financial resources for these sustainable farming programs are well worth the paperwork.

Below you will find a summary of the grants available to California growers for improving on-farm soil health management and recycling old orchards and vineyards, and we will provide additional details on our Grant Resources Page as programs become available.

While these grants are made available via local, state and federal agencies, please feel free to contact Holloway for assistance during the application process and to determine the best soil management practices for your ground:

Local Grants:

Alternative to Agricultural Open Burning Incentive Program,
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District

The Alternative to Agricultural Open Burning Incentive Program incentivizes orchard and vineyard growers located within Valley Air District boundaries to chip or shred agricultural material.

Once broken down, the material must be reincorporated into the soil or applied on ag land as an alternative to opening burning. Complete applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis while funds are available.

Program Guidelines   |   Application

Contact Holloway for more details

State Grants:

Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program,
Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation, California Department of Food and Agriculture

Scheduled to open for the first time later this year, The Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program “will help farmers and ranchers identify actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, further environmental stewardship on farms and ranches and ensure agricultural food security into the future.”

Projects would include:

  • Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture CAP 102)
  • Nutrient Management Plan (USDA NRCS CAP 104)
  • Soil Health Management Plan (USDA NRCS CAP 116)
  • Carbon Farm Plans (no NRCS established payment rates)

Program Details, (Public Comment Phase)

Contact Holloway for more details

Healthy Soils Program Incentives Program,
California Air Resources Board (CARB), USDA-NRCS and CDFA

Another $70 million has been proposed for 2021 as part of the Healthy Soils Program for on-farm soil management practices that sequester carbon.

The Healthy Soils program provides “financial incentives to California growers and ranchers to implement conservation management practices that sequester carbon, reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), and improve soil health.”

The GHG benefits are estimated using quantification methodology and tools developed by California Air Resources Board (CARB), USDA-NRCS and CDFA and soil health improvement will be assessed by measuring soil organic matter content.

Program Details, (Public Comment Phase)

Contact Holloway for more details

Federal Grants:

Environmental Quality Incentives Program,

EQIP, managed by the NRCS at the local level, provides financial and technical assistance to ag producers for addressing “natural resource concerns and deliver environmental benefits such as improved water and air quality, conserved ground and surface water, increased soil health and reduced soil erosion and sedimentation.”

Through this voluntary conservation program, NRCS provides one-on-one support to plan and implement various conservation practices, and  co-invests in these practices with you.

Program Details

List of Conservation Practices Covered

Contact Holloway for more details

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