Let’s All Brake For Harvest!

#BrakeForHarvest social media campaign warns drivers in ag regions to use caution on roads busy with harvest crews and equipment

Holloway Agriculture is promoting a #BrakeForHarvest public service announcement campaign through October during the busy harvest season, warning rural drivers to use extra caution while traveling through agricultural areas where harvest machinery and crews are working.

Throughout California, August marks the start of the busy harvest season, with tomatoes, almonds, grapes and other fruits and vegetables being harvested at all hours of the day and night.

According to the Census of Agriculture, nearly 4.5 million farm vehicles operate on U.S. farmlands, and those vehicles are overrepresented in road crashes considering their limited miles traveled. Additionally, several studies have found the majority of farm vehicle collisions occur in the fall, with October being the peak month as harvest season accounts for nearly 40% of farm vehicle crashes.

“On behalf of our agriculture operations, we want to remind rural drivers to use caution when driving through harvesting regions,” Holloway wrote in a social media post kicking off the campaign. “This is a busy time of year, both with back to school and harvest season heating up, so we want to caution drivers to slow down while driving in agricultural areas, put your phones down while driving, pay extra attention when crossing intersections or busy harvest zones, and let’s keep all of our ag workers, residents and children safe.”

California Highway Patrol Public Information Officer Hector Carias, who works out of the Central Division office in Fresno, says patience is key when encountering farm vehicles on our roadways.

“As harvest season approaches, you may encounter slow-moving farm equipment on rural roads,” Officer Carias said. “Be patient. Farm vehicles move much slower than regular traffic, often under 25 mph. Avoid tailgating and give them plenty of space.

Officer Carias shared more tips for rural drivers as part of the campaign below, adding drivers should pass safely and stay alert in harvest areas, particularly when an orange triangle on equipment signals a slow moving farm vehicle.

“When you see this,” he concluded, “reduce speed and be prepared to share the road.”

The concept for the #BrakeForHarvest PSA campaign came about a couple seasons ago while Holloway Ag Operations Manager Alex Parsons was driving across the Central Valley enroute to an orchard removal project, when he noticed heavy equipment operators having a hard time making the turn onto a ranch while residents sped past dangerously.

Parsons brought the safety concerns up to Holloway VP of Communications Brian Milne, noting it would make a great PSA campaign for the ag industry to warn drivers of the challenges drivers and harvest crews were faced with when mobilizing harvesting equipment, trailers, and moving from ranch to ranch during the busy harvest season.

“Harvest is always a busy time for harvest crews and equipment,” Parsons said. “We just want to make sure everyone is driving safe with all of the dust, heavy equipment and trailers moving in and out of operations. Agriculture brings a lot to our community, so it’s nice when our residents do their part and give harvest crews a brake this time of year.”

Holloway asks those in the agriculture industry and beyond to reshare and support the #BrakeForHarvest campaign during the harvest season running through the end of the year.

Social media followers and other ag vendors are welcome to visit brakeforharvest.com and download #BrakeForHarvest logos, example social media posts, and photos of harvest machinery moving on our local roadways.

Good luck to all of our growers and thank you to all of our harvest crews and partners this harvest season. Be safe out there!

Tips from the CHP

As harvest season approaches, you may encounter slow-moving farm equipment on rural roads. Stay safe by following these tips, courtesy California Highway Patrol Public Information Officer Hector Carias:

  • Be Patient: Farm vehicles move much slower than regular traffic, often under 25 mph. Avoid tailgating and give them plenty of space.

  • Pass Safely: Only pass when it’s legal and safe. Make sure you have a clear view ahead and enough distance to complete the maneuver.

  • Stay Alert: Farm vehicles may be wider than normal vehicles and can make sudden stops or turns, sometimes crossing lanes. Be cautious and aware of their signals.

  • Look for the Orange Triangle: Slow-moving vehicles display an orange triangle on the back. When you see this, reduce speed and be prepared to share the road.

Thank you to CHP-Central Division Public Information Officer Hector Carias for his contributions to the campaign!

Share the #BrakeForHarvest PSA Today!

Media Exposure

Brake for Harvest Campaign Logo by Holloway Agriculture

Share the #BrakeForHarvest campaign!

We encourage all ag industry supporters to download and share the following #BrakeForHarvest logos, photos and social media posts with their networks to help spread awareness about agricultural area road safety. Let’s keep all of our ag workers safe out there!

Download and Share Logos:

Download and Share Photos:

Social post copy suggestions:

  • Please watch for harvest machinery and use extra caution when driving through agricultural harvest areas this time of year! #BrakeForHarvest
  • Brake for Harvest! Our harvest crews are working hard to help put food on our tables. Please give them a brake when driving through ag harvesting areas! #BrakeForHarvest
  • On behalf of our harvest crews, we’d like to remind rural residents that while our ag workers follow strict farm and harvest zone safety standards, you also play a critical role in harvest worker safety on our roads. Let’s give them a brake! #BrakeForHarvest
  • Our company wants to remind drivers to #BrakeForHarvest! This is a busy time of year with harvest going and kids going back to school, so please slow down while driving in agricultural areas. Pay extra attention when crossing intersections or busy harvest zones, and let’s keep all of our farm workers, residents and children safe! #BrakeForHarvest
  • Good luck to all of our growers and thank you to all of our farm workers and ag partners this busy harvest season! #BrakeForHarvest

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